Schedule Appointment (561) 391-5242

Specials / News

Clear Invisible Braces ~ Clear Correct

Looking for an easy and affordable alternative to braces? Straighten teeth with no wires or brackets! Invisible braces, also known as clear aligners, are a type of orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth without the need for traditional metal braces....

Zoom Teeth Whitening Special

$100 off Lighten up your shade up to 8 Shades lighter in 1 hour$325 (includes $100 off) Includes Zoom session, upper and lower bleach trays and 2 tubes of bleach

New Patient special

$199 Introductory Package for New Patients Receive a teeth cleaning, comprehensive exam, full series of digital x-rays, and consultation with treatment plan with Dr. Hawk for just $199. That is a $153 savings from our standard price of $352. Contact...

Unparalleled Warranty

We believe in the quality of our dental work and want to pass on that confidence to you. Keep up on your dental routine 3, 4, or 6-month dental cleaning checkups and maintenance as needed and if something breaks, we...

Experiencing A Dental Emergency? Call Us At (561) 391-5242

Same-Day Appointments Available!



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(561) 391-5242

951 NW 13th St #3e
Boca Raton, FL 33486

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951 NW 13th Street Suite 3E,Boca Raton,FL  33486 - Phone: (561) 391-5242
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